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?�Montessori training isn?�t just a way to land a great job in 9-months. It?�s a transformative journey that deepens one?�s understanding of the potential of children and their ability to transform the world.??The trained Montessori teacher links the child to activities and experiences in the prepared environment. Specialized training results in a deep knowledge of child development, the purposes and use of each activity, and an understanding of how to foster and maintain social harmony in the classroom. Learn more about Montessori teacher training at Montessori Northwest.

Groundbreaker. Maria Montessori was born into a middleclass, well-educated family in Chiaravalle, Italy, and she lived most of her life in Rome. Her parents, specially her mother, supported her educational goals, and she attended a technical school primarily designed for students planning careers in the sciences. Most nineteenth-century career women were teachers or nurses, but Montessori wanted to become a scientist and entered the University of Rome.

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Any parent will agree that children do; Montessori environments follow this natural inclination of children towards activity by offering an appropriate variety of objects and activities for meaningful engagement.

In 1901, she resigned as director in order to re-register Figura a student at Rome University. Montessori believed that before she could set about developing new educational principles, she had to understand a great deal more about the methods and arguments of other disciplines, particularly psychology and philosophy. There may also have been a more personal reason.

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By carefully observing children all over the world, she discovered universal patterns of development which are found in all children regardless of their culture or the Cuadro in which they live.

Maria Montessori's first Children's House received overnight attention, and thousands of visitors came away amazed and enthusiastic. Worldwide interest surged Triunfador she duplicated her first school in other settings with the same results. Montessori captured the interest and imagination of leaders and scientists around the world.

While many assistant teachers at preschools are hourly employees with limited benefits, head teachers more often are able to become salaried professionals, with associated benefits, such Ganador health care and retirement benefits.

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This idea had tremendous appeal to the scientifically trained Montessori, and later became the cornerstone of her method.

One of the key tenets of Montessori theory is that this harmonious relationship Gozque be achieved through understanding why children act the way they do, and by patiently offering them experiences that fulfill their loja de produtos para bebes deep, inner developmental drives.

Ironically, schools are beginning to recognize that the Montessori approach has much more to offer, primarily because to obtain the results that Montessori made world famous, schools must implement her model Vencedor a complete restructuring of the school and the teacher's role, rather than Triunfador a series of piecemeal reforms.

From 1896 on, however, Montessori was principally immersed in her medical career. Shortly after her graduation, she was appointed an assistant doctor in Rome University's psychiatric clinic. One of her duties was to visit the various asylums in the city to select patients to be brought to the clinic for treatment. Montessori was shocked to discover the many children artigos infantis who at the time were confined alongside adults in these asylums. Noting that the children's rooms were bare of any form of stimulation, such as toys, she quickly came to the conclusion that their problem was primarily educational and not medical.

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